28 June 2024 – During seventeen days, Menorca’s restaurants will highlight the gastronomic potential of the island – awarded European Region of Gastronomy 2022 – by offering traditional and innovative recipes made with local and seasonal products, in occasion of the 15a Mostra de Cuina Menorquina (15th Festival of Menorcan Cuisine).
With the aim to promote deseasonalised tourism, the Mostra de Cuina Menorquina will be celebrated from 20 September to 6 October 2024 inviting restaurants from across the island to create menus based on Menorcan cuisine and using local products. In every participating restaurant, costumers will be able to try a basic tasting menu, called ‘Mostra Menu’ with a set price of €25 (drinks aside), and/or a special ‘Gourmet Menu’ (with variable price and format, according to the restaurant).
President of Restauració Menorca, José Bosch explained that “in this 15th edition we want to reaffirm the commitment of our restaurateurs to local and sustainable gastronomy. The Mostra de Cuina Menorquina is a unique opportunity for residents and visitors to discover authentic flavors of our land, always with an eye on quality and innovation.
“With this initiative, we not only want to value the culinary wealth of Menorca, but also contribute to the deseasonalisation of tourism, offering a first-class gastronomic experience out of the high season” he concluded.
The Mostra de Cuina Menorquina is organised by Restauració Menorca, CAEB (Confederation of Business Associations of the Balearic Islands) and AgenciaCom, and is sponsored by Fundació Foment de Turisme de Menorca, in collaboration with Menorca, European Region of Gastronomy awarded 2022, Ashome, the Association of Gastronomic Journalists and Writers of the Balearic Islands, Fra Roger, Ascaib, Elitechip, Cómete Menorca, Foodies on Menorca, Menorca Es Diari, Menorca al Dia, and Cadena SER Radio Menorca.
Main source and image credit: agenciacom.com and mostradecuinamenorquina.com
About the European/World Regions of Gastronomy
Candidate and awarded World/European Regions of Gastronomy, guided by IGCAT, are working together to strengthen food security through the celebration of distinctive food cultures; create employment by stimulating creativity and gastronomic innovation; nourish children and adults through culinary and cultural education; drive environmental sustainability in tourism, hospitality and agricultural sectors; support balance and sustainable tourism practices; highlight and support expertise from within rural and urban communities, creating connections and sharing good practises; and contribute to community health and well-being.
IGCAT aims to empower local communities by raising awareness of the importance to protect and promote distinct regional food, culture, arts and natural assets as part of sustainable and balanced tourism and development strategies. This is essential to safeguard our planet, health, wellness and local economies.
IGCAT is a non-profit institute established in 2012, working with regional stakeholder consortiums in the fields of gastronomy, culture, arts and tourism. It counts on the expertise of a worldwide network of experts and works in partnership with specialised intergovernmental organisations.
IGCAT founded the World/European Region of Gastronomy Award and is the official secretariat for the World/European Regions of Gastronomy Platforms. Furthermore, the Institute has developed the European Young Chef Award, the World Food Gift Challenge, the Top Websites for Foodie Travelers Award and the international Food Film Menu.